
Showing posts from July, 2020

Protective Function of a Bottle Closure

The protective function of a bottle closure essentially involves protecting the contents from the environment and vice versa. The inward protective function is intended to ensure full retention of the utility value of the packaged product. This means the bottle closure should protect the product from loss, damage, and spoilage. In addition,the bottle closure must essentially be able to withstand the many different static and dynamic forces to which it is subjected during transportation, and handling and storage operations. It should not break or fracture during any of the processes. Whether, its rain, storm, or bad winter, the products stored inside should be protected from climatic conditions, be it any day, etc. The exterior protection provided by the bottle closure must prevent any environmental degradation or environmental hazard. This requirement is of particular significance while handling pharmacy materials or food materials like cooking oil, with the protection of humans gi...

What are Glass Bottle Closures?

Glass bottle closure can be defined as an economical means of providing presentation, protection, and convenience for a product during storage, carriage, display, and until the product is consumed. It short, a glass bottle closure must ensure adequate stability of the product throughout its shelf life. Glass bottle closure must not only compliment the product’s confidence but should also provide clear and concise product identification and other features like: Adequate information related to the contents including legal requirements, storage conditions, expiry date, manufactures name, address, product license number, etc. It should standard industry compliance. Moreover, the bottle closure should preferably have an aesthetically acceptable design Nipra is one such company that offers glass bottle closures . The company operations started in 1982, and with steady growth, the team became one of the largest playersin manufacturing alumi...

Aluminum Wine Bottle Closure Has Largely Stood the Test of Time

The surge of global wine production (and requisite need for more cork closures) coupled with the lack of best practices and innovation on the part of the cork producing sector ended up pouring much dismay across the entire wine industry, including the consumers. So during the time of wine cork’s evolution, winemakers and consumers started experimenting with other closures. This gave rise to the invention of aluminum wine bottle closure . Another reason to move away from cork-closed wines was to eliminate the smelly cork taint. Cork closures tend toaffect the aromatic properties of wines, even when they are meant to be as neutral as possible. Whereas, aluminum closures didn’t! Today aluminum wine bottle closure is the preferred choice of consumers and retailers who are highly focused on sustainability, recyclability, and reuse of products and packaging. Light in weight, aluminum wine bottle closure not only offers an aesthetic appeal to the packaging but also preserves the qual...

Aluminum Caps & Closures Market is Dominated by Big Names in the Market

Aluminum caps & closures are used in various industries and their usefulness across industries includes maintaining the quality of the products, growing the shelf life of the goods, and keeping the products fresh. These are some of the most important reasons which have led to the augment in their share in the packaging industry. Aluminum closures also form a large part of the visual impression of bottles and their branding. As a result, it is dominated by big names in the market like Nipra. Nipra is a prestigious manufacturer of aluminum bottle caps that are also known as Roll On Pilfer Proof Caps (R.O.P.P. Caps). These aluminum closures are manufactured in various sizes possible. Nipra as a company elaborates on every detail of the product. In fact, the team uses the best grade aluminum to ensure it givesthe final product a beautiful look. At Nipra, you will enjoy the product so much that you won’t feel like you are settling for less. The fine quality product will have y...