Wine Closures - a New Business Growth for Nipra group

Manufacturing wine is a crucial process. Even though the implications of picking dates, fermentation temperatures, extraction method, barrel selection, etc are all vital for the wine preparation, it is the selection of wine closures that gives wine producers one of the greatest pains. With this aspect in mind, Nipra aims to offer aluminum wine closures of the finest quality to wine maker.

Wine bottle closure is the new growth business for Nipra group. With global changes in preference of screw caps over other closures systems to package wine, the group has made investments to meet this rising demand.

The wine closures are available with saranex™ coated and Tin-saran™ coated liners. These liners are suitable for the storage of wine over a long period and to maintain the natural aging process of wine. The liners are sourced from international manufacturers based in Europe. The range of closures for this market include, 25/33 mm, 25/43 mm, 30/60 mm, and other sizes for small packs.

There are various aesthetic enhancement options available such as embossing (top and sidewall), debossing (top), hot foil stamping (top and sidewall), silk screen printing (top and sidewall) as well as offset printing (top and sidewall). These special decoration options can also be combined for a variety of base finishes such as gloss, satin, and matt.

Customer centricity is at the core of Nipra Industries Pvt Ltd and it is this belief that has led the business to build long-term relationships. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available goods and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance.

Nipra is now a 'star-rated export house' recognised by the Indian government for consistent performance and growth in the export business. The team of more than 400 people engaged in various functions at Nipra strives to achieve excellence every day.

To know more about Nipra wine bottle closure supplier visit:


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