Bottle Closures Seal a Wine’s Fate

Believe it or not, choosing the right bottle closure for wine might be just as important as what is inside. And this section elegantly explains the importance of bottle closures for wine.

Most foods are best when they are as fresh as possible. But the exception to this rule is wine since many wines actually need some aging to taste their best.  However, when oxygen gets in contact with the wine, it produces many changes - it ultimately yields an oxidized wine that has a nutty aroma. Thus, the way a bottle is sealed will directly affect how much oxygen passes into the wine each year. This will directly affect the aging trajectory and determine if the wine will be at its best.

Winemakers are aware of this fact and work to control the aging process including decisions on how to bottle up their product in order to serve the best to the consumers. Hence these days wine manufacturers are opting for aluminium bottle closures for wine.  Aluminium closure controls the amount of oxygen getting into the wine, ensuring the aroma and taste of the beverage is maintained as expected. Moreover, aluminium wine bottle closures tend to be affordable, functional and great for everyday ways.

Over centuries, winemakers have consistently taken advantage of new technology to improve their product. And Nipra is one such company that takes pride in this aspect. The company is engaged in the business of producing aluminium capsules for wine bottles with 6 manufacturing factories located in North, West and Southern India. Moreover, with an annual production capacity of 2 billion pieces, Nipra tends to be one of the largest converters of aluminium closure stock in the Indian sub-continent.


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