What Consumers Look for in Wine Bottle Packaging

As outer appearance gives the first impression, it is important to identify what your customers look for in wine bottle packaging.

Have a look below to get a better understanding of this topic:

Packaging Must Identify Your Brand

Wine bottle closures or packaging details must identify not only the product but also the brand. It’s an important aspect to consider to ensure the product is identifiable amongst consumers, especially the loyal consumers. People will not buy the product if they cannot decipher what it is. Hence ensure you choose apt wine bottle closures and other packaging options that help create a good brand value.


The design of your wine bottle closure or packaging material is one area in particular where you can gain a crucial edge over your competitors. It is usually better to choose a wine bottle closure or a packaging material that is unique from the rest - in order to capture your customer’s attention. Studies have found that attractive bottle caps and packaging material induces more intense brain activity than neutral coverings. And consumers tend to purchase a brand when it makes them feel optimistic; hence packaging design has a great influence on how consumers feel about the product.


Cool and attractive colours are something customers like to see in their packed product. As per studies, almost 93% of consumers focus on visual appearance, while around 85% claim colour to be the topmost main reason for making a purchase. Hence, ensure you focus on the colour pattern of the wine bottle caps and the other packaging material.  Colourful wine bottle caps/packaging material contributes to the overall attractiveness of the product. It is useful in gaining customer’s attention. However careful consideration needs to be given while deciding the colour since every different colour is associated with certain attributes. 


Products like wine that will not finish in one use need to be accessible easily and quickly. Hence while focusing on the design and colour scheme, you also need to make sure the wine bottle closure/ packaging material is accessible and reusable. Consumers appreciate wine bottle closures or packaging that is easy to use.


The only way to set your brand apart from the rest is by being authentic. So be honest and clear about your product and the packaging details to secure your consumers’ attention amongst the other brands in the market.

While there are many aspects that shape your product and brand, we listed a few important ones in this section for your benefit. 


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