Wine Bottles and Their Anatomy

Wine bottles, typically made of glass, are produced in a variety of shapes and volumes. These bottles are not just containers but they construe so many details about the wine that only wine experts might explain. All wine bottles have a specific structure according to the wine they carry. The parts of a wine bottle have a specific meaning. Let’s see what these parts are called.

  • Body
    Body is the main part of a bottle. It is usually cylindrical but its diameter can vary.

  • Label
    A sticker on the body is a label where you can find information about wine like the volume of the liquid, alcohol content by volume, vintage, origin, varietal, etc.

  • Punt
    It is an indentation on the underside of the bottle that’s given while forming the bottle during the molding process. This helps in strengthening the structure of a bottle.

  • Heel
    The heel is the bottom part of a bottle that helps the bottle to stand straight.

  • Bottle Closure
    Closures are used to seal wine bottles. Like synthetic cork, a closure is a cost-effective alternative for wineries. However, it does not mean that wines under closures are cheap.
    Bottle closure allows the wine to breathe as they mature. Unlike cork, the wine under closures remains fresh. TCA, the taint that affects so many wines under natural cork, is almost nonexistent under closures.

Nipra Products – Bottle Closures

Nipra is one such company that offers aluminum bottle closures for wine bottles. Nipra is a recognized company in India.

Quality, Clean Products

Nipra does guarantee quality, clean aluminum bottle closures. Because of efficient manufacturing and supply systems, the team has always managed to provide any amount of quantity required by customers without compromising on the quality aspect. The parameters of quality control for aluminum bottle closures are stringent and highly acclaimed by revered patrons.


At Nipra, you will enjoy the product so much that you won’t feel like you are settling for less. The fine quality products will have you wondering why it doesn’t cost as much as the other company products. All the products are easily available at affordable prices.

For more information on Nipra’s aluminum bottle closures, you can visit:


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